Smoky Valley Cares Fund – Life Saving Screenings
The Smoky Valley Cares Fund (formerly known as the Pink Fund) was created to provide financial assistance to individuals who need important cancer screenings but may not have the financial means to afford them.
Our Mission
Since its establishment in September 2011, with proceeds from the Battle of the Buses event, the fund has helped ensure that individuals receive critical diagnostic tests—regardless of their financial situation. These screenings can lead to early detection and better health outcomes.
Covered Services
The Smoky Valley Cares Fund provides financial assistance for:
✅ Life Saving Screenings:
- Breast Cancer Screening (Mammography)
- Lung Cancer Screening (LDCT, Low Dose CT Scan)
- Abdominal Aorta US testing
- Cervical Cancer Screening (PAP Smear, including well-woman clinic visit charge)
- Prostate Cancer Screening (PSA Screening, including well-male clinic visit charge)
Who Qualifies?
This fund is designated for individuals who do not qualify for other financial assistance programs due to age, medical history, or financial status. Assistance is available for those who are:
✔️ Uninsured – No public or private insurance coverage.
✔️ Underinsured – Includes patients with:
- Medicare Part A only
- Private insurance with high deductibles, restricted benefits, or unaffordable co-pays (including Medicare Parts A & B when co-pays are prohibitive).
Eligibility Requirements
- Patient must have a household income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.
- Screenings (mammograms, ultrasounds, and lab tests) must be performed at Lindsborg Community Hospital.
- Funds are limited, so priority is given to patients residing in the Smoky Valley service area and those who seek regular care with FHCC providers.
How to Apply
- Referral Required – A physician or medical provider must initiate a referral for services to Lindsborg Community Hospital.
- Application Process – The patient must complete an application, and eligibility will be determined based on income verification.
- Privacy Protection – To protect patient confidentiality, financial and diagnostic details are shared only with essential hospital staff who process applications.
Smoky Valley Cares Fund – Beyond the Diagnosis
Effective with the 4th Annual Battle of the Buses on September 13, 2015, the Smoky Valley Cares Fund (formerly known as the Pink Fund) became available to offer financial assistance for those with cancer who may be in financial need, by providing grants from the Smoky Valley Cares Fund. Each year, The Smoky Valley Cares Fund will designate up to $3000 in total grants to individuals actively undergoing cancer treatment. The funding will be at the discretion of the administrators of the Fund and will be issued in the form of a check. A recipient may receive a maximum of $500 per 12-month period. Limited funds are available, so priority will be given to patients who reside in the Smoky Valley service area and seek regular medical care with FHCC providers.
Covered Services
The Smoky Valley Cares Fund – Beyond the Diagnosis provides financial assistance for:
✅ Nutrition
✅ Transportation
✅ Shelter
✅ Medicine
Who Qualifies?
Individuals who are actively undergoing cancer treatment. Priority will be given to patients who reside in the Smoky Valley service area and seek regular medical care with FHCC providers.
Each application must include:
- A brief statement of financial need
- A signed letter from a medical provider of the Lindsborg Community Hospital or treating oncologist
- Completed application form
Privacy Protection – To protect patient confidentiality, financial and diagnostic details are shared only with essential hospital staff who process applications.
Battle of the Buses
The first "Battle of the Buses" was on September 10, 2011. It was a huge success, with 100% of the proceeds establishing what is now known as the Smoky Valley Cares Fund.
"Pull a bus. Save a life!" Was the call that went out in August of 2011. Fifteen teams competed in a bus-pulling contest in the Scott's Hometown Foods parking lot. Combined with the success of Blinged Up Bras, on display at Small World Gallery for the week preceding the event, a 10-mile bike ride, a hamburger fry sponsored by Brick House Grill and Scott's Hometown Foods, t-shirt sales, and many, many generous donations, an assistance fund was born! Over $6000 was raised!
Help Our Community by Making a Difference
Your support of the Smoky Valley Cares Fund helps ensure that community members receive the preventive care they need. Donations directly fund screenings that can lead to early detection and save lives.
For more information on how to apply or support this initiative, contact Lindsborg Community Hospital today.
📍 Lindsborg Community Hospital – Caring for the health of the Smoky Valley communities since 1946.