It's More Than A Meal.....
Each delivery brings a smile, a safety check and a chance at an independent life.
- Hot, nutritious meals brought to your door.
- Five to seven days per week for elderly, disabled, and recuperating individuals, as well as those who have recently been dismissed from the hospital.
- Eligibility is determined by the LCH kitchen manager. A physician and the Meals on Wheels team will be consulted.
- $3.50 per meal, $4 per meal effective October 1st, 2023.
For more information call Dietary Services at 785-450-5190.
Meals On Wheels is a private, not-for-profit organization. LCH prepares the meals for this organization.
Pictured above: The Meals on Wheels volunteers celebrating 50 years.
"What a tremendous service the Lindsborg Community Hospital provides through its Meals on Wheels program. I am a legally blind widower striving to maintain my own independence while living alone in my own home. My culinary abilities are limited to microwaving popcorn.
Meals on Wheels provides me with a good hot meal planned by a dietician and prepared by a bevy of cooks at LCH. PLUS, it's delivered right to your door.
Just as important to me is the smiling interaction I receive from the corps of volunteers who give of their time in all kinds of weather to assure the program's success.
Hot food - Warm Friends - Satisfied Recipients
I would strongly encourage anyone in need of such a wonderful service as Meals on Wheels or have any questions to call Dietary Services at the Lindsborg community Hospital at 785-450-5190."