Whether you're coming for an appointment or to visit someone, whether it be for a few minutes or days, we hope your stay will be as enjoyable as possible. If you have questions about an upcoming visit or are ready to make an appointment, please call us at the hospital 785-227-3308 or Family Health Care Clinic 785-227-3371.
Our friendly, knowledgeable staff can provide directions to your appointment, help you find the patient you are here to see, direct you to the nearest ATM, public phone, restroom, the gift shop, cafeteria and more.
Visiting hours: Lindsborg Community Hospital welcomes visitors during all hours and encourages visitors during the hours of 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
A Patient Advocate is a person who helps process patient complaints, grievances and compliments.
The Patient Advocate role is to facilitate the complaint, grievance or compliment on behalf of the patient and assist Lindsborg Community Hospital and all Salina Regional Health Center affiliates in their efforts to resolve the issues while complying with CMS (Medicare) and ACHC (Accreditation Commission for Health Care).
All calls are received by the Quality Improvement Team for Salina Regional, and routed back to the facility who has received the complaint, grievance or compliment. This not only assures appropriate action or recognition, but provides the necessary tracking tool so that all of our facilities can demonstrate compliance with regulation through an objective process.
If you have a complaint, grievance or compliment for the Lindsborg Community Hospital and/or the Family Health Care Clinic, please call toll free: 800-349-9794.
Lindsborg Community Hospital welcomes visitors during all hours and encourages visitors during the hours of 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
Visitors are an important part of the day for our patients. Involvement in patient lives by family and friends is an important aspect of their well-being.
Children under the age of twelve (12) should be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. Infants and toddlers should always be carried and not allowed to crawl on the floors or in the hallways. We encourage shorter visits for children knowing it's more difficult for them to "Be quiet" and "Be still".
Lindsborg Community Hospital has a special family visiting program that allows all ages of visitors. However there may be times when visitation may be prohibited. This can be at the patient request, physician order or in the event of influenza outbreaks.
The Lindsborg Community Hospital will always try our best to give patients the highest quality health care. As part of the promise to care for them, we keep information about their health private.
Click here to learn about HIPAA and our Privacy Policy Practices
- Please do not visit when you have a cold, the flu, upset stomach, diarrhea or unexplained rashes.
- Do not bring children to visit who have been exposed to chickenpox.
- Be considerate of those you visit to allow for their rest and healing.
- Wash your hands when you enter the patient's room and prior to leaving.
- Let nurses know if you bring in any food that was not prepared in the facility.
- Do not bring animals without consulting with a registered nurse.
- If the person you are visiting is in Isolation ask the registered nurse what barriers you need to protect yourself.
- Guidelines for payment arrangements are:
- Balances less than $25 will be required to be paid in full.
- Balances of $25 - $1,000 – Account will be paid in full within 12 months.
- Balances of $1,001 - $2,500 – Account will be paid in full within 24 months
- Balances of $2,501 - $4,000 – Account will be paid in full within 36 months
- Balances of $4,001 - $5,500 – Account will be paid in full within 48 months
- Balances of $5,500+ - Account will be paid in full within 60 months
- Payments are expected to be made monthly to keep the accounts active and in good standing.
- If new services are added to a previous balance, the payment agreement shall be updated to the applicable guidelines.
- Exceptions to the guidelines are subject to the Chief Financial Officer or Designee’s approval.
- If the responsible party fails to make payment on their account within 60 days after the insurance payment or denial or fails to keep the agreed upon arrangement, the account may be outsourced (turned) to a collection agency.
- If the responsible party does not have a valid address or phone number, the account will be outsourced (turned) to a collection agency.
- Payments, including monthly payments can be made on line at - Pay My Bill; by phone to Customer Service using a debit or credit card; by mail; by ACH; auto recurring debit or credit card; or in person at LCH.
For any questions, please contact Financial Services at this number: 785-450-5791
Effective: 10/25/24